Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I want to change some things around here.

I am obsessive about keeping the house nice, yet don't do it often enough not to go into a rampage and hurt my family while I'm doing it. I don't like being interrupted when I clean, I don't like being told, "Don't do that now" when I'm cleaning. But my son won't remember how clean the house was. He'll remember me. I don't want to be a mean mom. I want to be able to pause whatever I'm doing and pay attention to him. I have no idea how to balance all of those things, but I have to try.

Hubs and I have a lot of debt. I'm tired of it weighing me down. I get a sinking feeling every time I hear about someone paying off their debt. We've barely made it month to month on my full-time salary, but now we're able to pay all our bills on time. Now that Hubs has some part-time work, we need to start paying off that debt. Because if we can some of it now, imagine how easy it'll be when Hubs has a full-time job! I did a debt calculator online and I set the goal to be 2 years and 6 months. The monthly debt payments are totally doable! If everything stays steady, we'll be debt free by New Year's 2013. :D

I have gained 30 pounds since high school. :( I was always skinny and able to eat whatever I wanted. I used to be a little smug about it, but it's come back to bite me in the butt. The big fat butt. So, my goal is to lose about 20 pounds.

I'm embarking on a journey to teach art/art history to a home-school co-op and some public school kids. :) I have one student already and I'll have a booth for the local home school fair coming up in a couple of weeks. It'll be pretty straight forward this semester because I don't know what I'm doing. :) The money I make from that will roll into the debt, as well! Hooray!

A friend is giving me an old sewing machine so I can learn how to sew. I'm so excited to get into it!! There are so many times that I think, wow, I could sew something like that! And then I realize, I don't have a sewing machine. Nor do I know how to sew. I picked up knitting last September. So, why not learn sewing this year!?

I usually don't make resolutions. But here we go anyway.

1. Lose 20 pounds

2. Learn how to sew

3. Teach an art/art history class for a co-op of home school and public school kids.

4. Pay off debt

5. Read the Bible more

6. Be a better mom

OK. Now that I've gone public I have to stick to it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laugh Lady :)
    Can you email me at and I'll reply to your questions about Home Ec :)
