Thursday, June 3, 2010

Everybody has a garden right now. It’s like trés chic to grow your own veg. I’ll admit, I’m excited about it, too. I’ll be using my two hands to make food, coaxing nutrients out of the dirt. I’m trying to switch our family diet to more whole foods because I hate going to the megastore to get tomatoes and they’re bruised, flavorless and expensive. Why do we keep buying this crap!? Well, mostly because we want tomatoes when we want tomatoes, and screw growing seasons!

I have three heirloom tomato plants in the ground, as well as dill, basil, green onion, spinach, green beans, corn, oregano, pumpkin, hot banana peppers and jalapenos, and marigolds. I know I’m not putting them in the ground in the right order and I’m doing it really late, but I’m a recovering perfectionist, one of those people who used to be crippled by perfectionism. So, instead of being stopped by the fear of not doing it right, I just do it! So, I’m throwing some seeds in the ground and we’ll see what happens! If I fail, then I’ve lost a couple of dollars on seeds and a couple of plants. That’s part of the beauty of starting small.
Caleb is so proud of his corn. I had him plant it in the dirt outside the box because it should get pretty tall. We’ll see if it takes. He loves helping me water the garden, too.

I can’t wait to eat those tasty tomatoes, green beans and use those herbs. Here’s to fresh produce and trying something completely new!

Update: I have ONE tomato. That is all. :D

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