Friday, May 7, 2010

Knitting Adventures, OUTDOORS!

We went to Fiber Fest in Tulsa on Sunday and had a great, quiet day of knitting outside in the sun.
Chad's sock....that I made too long. Boo! But when you're hanging out and having fun and knitting, it has a tendency to do that. Oh, and every time I measured it, it was different. So there.

My friends are so pretty.

Look at how cute I am!

We moved into the shade eventually. Cuz I'm an easily burned potato chippy and I was sweating. They weren't, but I was.

Ooh, pretty. There was a swan, too. We talked about how it might be a mail order kind of thing. Then I mentioned that you can buy ladybugs online. And butterflies. Man has truly conquered everything. Except the giant squid. Man, a giant squid would make kalimari the size of hoola hoops.

I thought my bags wouldn't be in the picture. I was wrong.


My son is hilarious.

CJ: "Mommy, Daddy is out of square. He's fat."

Mommy: "No, CJ, Daddy is not fat. What is 'square'?"

CJ: " Daddy's fat, so he's 'out of square.' You're not out of square because you're not fat, are you?"

By this time we figured out that out of square meant out of shape.

And Chad is not fat.

The End